Why Management Shouldn’t Make (Operational) Decisions

Ever thought about it as a bad sign, when managers are blocked with meetings day by day and hurry form one decision to the next?

Actually it may be fine for managers, but it shows a lack of leadership.

To be more productive and happy, decisions must be made, where the competence is. And already the Steve Jobs mentioned in his early years that “the doers are also the thinkers”.

When I talk about decision here, I mean the operational stuff. Everything along the purpose of the organization is fine.

Leadership is about ensuring that everyone at any given time, will decide in the right direction. We will always have a variance in the how and what we do. And it’s an tremendous – and not very reasonable – effort to control this. But if you are clear about your purpose, you will easily get all the people working in the right direction.

As long as I make the decisions and signatures myself, I create a bottleneck and live a means of control.

And yes, we need to give the people some tools and rules to play by. Never should a single element of the system be able to endanger the whole system. But that’s the fun part: organic systems are build this way. We just need to keep them in a state that enables survival.

We build trust and happiness this way.

And we refocus on the strengths that build our success in the first place.


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