Tag: leadership
Die Suche nach Leadership
Leadership ist einer der Begriffe, die mit großer Unsicherheit und Unklarheit behaftet sind. Alle suchen Leadership – entweder Richtung geben oder Richtung gezeigt bekommen – aber im echten Leben ist sie faktisch nicht zu finden. Boss oder Babysitter? Auch in der Literatur pendelt man zwischen den Rollen als Boss oder als Babysitter. Sagen wo es…
How Collaborative (Uncontrolled) Teams Act as Natural Bayesian Networks (Part 4)
This blog is a loose follow up to the series of how to deal with competing and diverse requirements. In today’s rapidly evolving workplace, the ability to quickly adapt and make informed decisions is crucial. Interestingly, the way collaborative teams function mirrors the principles of Bayesian networks, a concept from probability theory and statistics. To…
Hierarchy Is Not Natural – Part 2
Part 1 we finished with a quote, and we want to start Part 2 with it. Because what would that shift in perspective mean for an organization or even a society? What would happen, if we forsake the notion of hierarchy and stick to complexity? “trust is the only – known to me – tool…
Professionalität als Flucht in die Entmenschlichung
Verstehen wir unter Professionalität die Anwendung der eigenen, ganzheitlichen Kompetenz, dann gibt es daran nichts auszusetzen. Doch so oft – wirklich viel zu oft – wird der Begriff anders verwendet. Heute lese ich einen LinkedIn-Kommentar. Da wird wieder „Professionalität“ gefordert. Frauen sollen sich doch bitte nicht weiblich zeigen. Und Menschen nicht menschlich. 97% der Zeit,…
Navigating Complexity in Organizations: A Cybernetic and Chaos Theory Perspective
Organizations buzz with activity. They’re like cities, full of intersecting lives and decisions. But what makes organizations complex? And how can understanding this complexity help us lead better? Let’s dive into the vibrant world of complexity through the lens of cybernetics and chaos theory. “Complexity is irreducible without losing the essential qualities of the system.”…
The Illusion of Control: Why We Cling to Simplicity in a Complex World
In the bustling world of business, complexity surrounds us like a dense fog. We know that complexity can bring innovation and opportunity, yet, paradoxically, we often revert to seeking control. Why do we still believe we can steer the ship directly towards increased revenue, even when we understand the unpredictable nature of complex systems? Let’s…
The Paradox of Success in Organizations: How to Thrive Without Fear
Success paints a vibrant picture of growth and triumph in any organization. Initially, there’s a clear purpose and an intense focus on delivering outstanding products or services. Every step is about survival. However, as success sets in, priorities subtly shift. The fear of losing what has been achieved can overshadow the drive for innovation. Suddenly,…
Neuro-diversity: Unpacking the Cognitive Traits of Generalists and Specialists
In today’s diverse workforce, appreciating the distinct cognitive capabilities of generalists and specialists is key to fostering a productive and innovative organizational environment. Neurodiversity, which celebrates neurological differences as part of human variation, provides a valuable framework for understanding how these roles can be best integrated and utilized in professional settings. This article delves into…
Navigating Beyond Toxic Charity: Guiding Organizations to True Independence
In the exhilarating journey of birthing an organization, founders often find themselves at the heart of every decision, every strategy, and every success. Initially, this intense involvement is not just beneficial but essential. However, as the organization grows, the umbilical cord of dependency needs cutting for it to thrive independently. Yet, all too often, founders…
The Dynamics of Respect vs. Obedience in Leadership: A Literature-Based Exploration
As mentioned before OrgIQ doesn’t invent anything new. It’s just integrating the tested and working elements. And it’s even not brand new. The time for the pioneers is already over since 20 years. But let’s see … In contemporary organizational landscapes, the differentiation between respect and obedience often shapes the core of leadership strategies. While…