OrgIQ – Keeping the System Smart and Successful

Process Analysis & Improvement | Change/Transformation | Leadership for the 21st Century (includig Gen Z) | Collaboration | Productivity | Team-HealthCheck | System-Modeling | Assessment of Collaboration and psychological Safety | Leadership Training | Value Tracking

The worldview, your perspective, is the most powerful factor in determining the size of your solution space.
OrgIQ Promise: We guarantee to help you expand your solution space by at least a factor of two.

Prozessanalyse & -verbesserung | Change/Transformation | Leadership für das 21ste Jahrhundert (auch für Gen Z) | Kollaboration | Produktivität | Team-Gesundheits-Check | System-Modelierung | Assessments für Kollaboration und psychologische Sicherheit | Leadership-Training | Werte Begleitung & Metriken

Das Weltbild, eure Perspektive, ist der stärkste Faktor für die Größe eures Lösungsraums.
OrgIQ-Versprechen: Wir garantieren, dass wir euch helfen, euren Lösungsraum mindestens um den Faktor zwei zu vergrößern.

We are humans, but in school and at work, we are expected to function like machines. This costs us what makes us special: psychological safety, enthusiasm, collaboration, motivation, loyalty, creativity, and connection.

Wir sind Menschen, doch in Schule und Beruf sollen wir wie Maschinen funktionieren. Dabei verlieren wir das, was uns besonders macht: psychologische Sicherheit, Begeisterung, Zusammenarbeit, Motivation, Loyalität, Kreativität und Zusammenhalt.

We have all the knowledge to build great, human-centered systems and organizations: cybernetics, sociology, neurology, psychology, and the management theories of pioneers like Deming, Drucker, and those who followed.

Wir haben das gesamte Wissen, um großartige, menschenzentrierte Systeme und Organisationen zu gestalten: Kybernetik, Soziologie, Neurologie, Psychologie und die Managementtheorien von Pionieren wie Deming, Drucker und all ihren Nachfolgern.

Not all at once, but over a few years of consistently working on collaboration. These are the results from the “potato field” once collaborative thinking has been internalized.

Nicht alles auf einmal, sondern über einige Jahre hinweg, in denen wir konsequent an der Zusammenarbeit arbeiten. Das sind die Ergebnisse vom „Kartoffelacker“, wenn das kollaborative Denken verinnerlicht ist.

We promise nothing that we haven’t experienced ourselves – from both sides: the leadership perspective and the expert perspective.

Wir versprechen nichts, was wir nicht selbst erlebt haben – von beiden Seiten: der Führungs- und der Fachkraftperspektive.

A Passion for People

At their best, people are the most productive, happy, and creative versions of themselves. Yet, amidst our successes, we often lose focus on our core purpose out of fear of losing what we have achieved. This is a natural, human response.

During such times, it’s crucial to revisit our roots and refocus on what drove our success in the first place: the system we created. Like any living entity, this system cannot be fully understood or controlled. An organization, symbolizing the placement of organs within a body, is inherently a living thing. However, fear of its complexity can lead us to deny its nature. When we deny it, we obstruct and hinder the potential of complex systems. It’s akin to trying to drive a car with your foot on the brake.

Let’s embrace humanity, complexity, and resistance as tools to guide us.

Selfcheck: Understand where you are

Get a simple tool to understand your current situation. The baseline for all further changes. It’s about understanding organizational health and fitness.

Leadership Development

Refocus on what created your success. Create a purpose and value-based leadership, which gives clear direction and re-connects the organization.

Note: It’s explicit not management, but Deep Soft Skills + system building. Management is a well covered topic, where we can’t add any value.

NEW See our new unique Training for Leadership


Increase understanding and skills for all people in the organization to improve collaboration. Working smart is working together and use the potential in your people.

“if you don’t change it, you choose it”

several sources (basically going back to Victor Frankl, about the freedom of choice of our response)


Create and ensure safe space again. When we are scared to loose our success, what we want to do and what we do differs. Then we need some supportive structure to be authentic again. Stick honestly to our values. Be prepared for the next level of success.

OrgIQ Assessment

Find out about the IQ of your organization. And most important get simple and concrete guidance to improve the IQ.

Intelligent Decisions and Changes

To go against resistance is very expensive. Changing the perspective on resistance and refocusing on purpose, makes resistance a power tool.

*** NEWS ***

2025-02: Zwei neue Tools

Theorie ist ja nett, aber manchmal möchte man auch was tun. Deswegen zwei einfache Tools, damit ihr sehen könnt, wie es funktioniert. Einmal eine grobe Abschätzung der Kosten der Hierarchie, in dem wir mit den Römern vergleichen. Und was wir durch Solutions sparen könnten.

Und dann noch die Auswertung für Relationship-Quality. Wie geht es für ein Team und wie für größere Bereiche.

Beide in den Downloads.

2025-01: Leadership ReDefined Intro/Voraussetzungen

Der Leadership DeepDive und das Leadership ReDefined Buch sollten und sollen sehr knapp sein. Sich wirklich auf die neue Welt fokussieren. Was passiert, wenn wir auch Limbi nutzen?

Doch in Gesprächen hat sich gezeigt, dass die Annahmen hinter Leadership ReDefined zwar mir klar sind, aber nicht wirklich vorausgesetzt werden können. Deswegen noch eine spannende Ergänzung. Wann gilt Leadership ReDefined überhaupt? Wie darf und sollte ich mein Weltbild erweitern, dass der Lösungsraum sich erweitert?

Aktuell nur die deutsche Version (DE) unter Downloads. Englisch folgt bald.

2025-01: Gecko-Cheat-Sheet

Simple, but so effective! If we understand our brain—here our Gecko, which is the reptile part, responsible for our survival—we see the world (people) differently. The Gecko is the part that looks after our safety, but also runs our stress or fear patterns: fight, flight, or freeze. And when we recognize those patterns, especially the long term effect, we suddenly see most dysfunctional (toxic) situation and people completely different.

You find the cheat sheet (EN/DE) in the download section.

2025-01: Relationship-Quality Check

It’s not only about if we have relationships, but also the type and quality matters. Some “realtionships” can be robust and very destructive.

You find a tool (EN/DE) in the download section.

2024-11: Leadership-Book is released

English version only on amazon, and the German version everywhere.

Leadership ReDefined – The Psychology behind Joy, Humanity, and Productivity

2024-11: Beliefs Updated

Our Beliefs are refined and updated. We reduced them from 8 to 5, but also took the time to give more insight into them: see Our Beliefs and the WhitePaper

2024-11: Leadership OnePager

Besides the DeepDive on Leadership, we have now also a OnePager, with the core ideas: OrgIQ OnePager Leadership

2024-10: Literature OrgIQ Challenge

Experience is one thing. And even if 40 people are doing it and several 1000s are affected, it may just be a bubble. Therefore, new frameworks need to be challenged. We did this against literature from the last 20 years, as a solid verification of OrgIQ. See for yourself: OrgIQ_LiteratureMapping

2024-10: Leadership ReDefined GPT is here

You need immediate help? You just want to know, what leadership and collaboration would do in your situation? Just try the Leadership ReDefined GPT. It’s trained with all our data. But for sure, as always, we can not guarantee that only this information is used. But you will know.

2024-10: DeepDive on Leadership is released

This is the curriculum to the Leadership Training. You find the files under Downloads, but also directly: OrgIQ_DeepDive_Leadership_Release_EN or OrgIQ_DeepDive_Leadership_Release_DE. And I bet that there are at least 10 new ideas and perspectives. Just check it out and let us know.

2024-09: QuickCheck Questionnaire released

Liite and full version of the questionnaire are available. The perfect tool for a health check on team level. Downloads

2024-09: Updated Downloads

Check out the new structure: Downloads

2024-08: Preview of the Assessment Model

We published an early release and review version of the OrgIQ assessment model. Feedback is very welcome. Downloads

2024-08: Leadership-Limbi-Training added

Use the special opportunity to move from management thinking to leadership systems. Great content and a very special location: Leadership Training

2024-06: Keynote Speaker available

Added the opportunity to book Dan as a keynote speaker. Experience since 2007 across several domains: automotive, software, food, and finance. Speaker & Keynotes

The Core of OrgIQ in 30 Seconds

We all say, “humans are not machines,” but culture has long forgotten humanity.

What do we mean?

Imagine a society filled with the most beautiful cars, but no one ever turns on the engines—they just push them around. They’re so focused on the shiny exterior that they’ve long forgotten about the engines and how they work.

This is how most organizations (families, schools, companies, governments, churches, sports clubs, parties) function today. They focus 97% on the mechanics, while neglecting the human aspect. It’s not anyone’s fault—they’ve simply forgotten.

“Chickens boost their productivity by 260% through collaboration over just five generations. Surely, we can do better.”

All the emotional layers (we call them DSS, Deep Soft Skills) drive us humans. If we neglect our humanity, it’s like never turning the engine on. OrgIQ believes it’s time to remember that humanity is the engine of all people. That is what makes an organization intelligent. With their engines on, they will thrive and achieve more than ever before.

“Humans need food and connection … machines need food too. What makes us human is the connection [of the psyche/soul].”

Dan, OrgIQ

Imagine there is a way, you create environments where living the Deep Soft Skills (emotional regulation, accountability, values, resilience, openness, trust,…) turns pushing into driving. The result is better productivity and satisfaction. A new level of collaboration and speed.

Rediscover the true potential of your people. Welcome to OrgIQ, where your people drive success.

That’s it. Let’s drive.

The Risk of Success

Sometimes, success can become a major challenge for organizations—not in terms of finances, but for the people involved. Suddenly, despite being more successful than ever, we find ourselves feeling lonely and lost.

Why doesn’t success automatically bring happiness?

Intelligent organizations are both productive and joyful.

To become smarter, we don’t need to overhaul our organization; we simply need to shift our perspective.

We did it right. We were creative and innovative. That’s why we succeeded. We reacted to the changing world and seized our opportunities. We learned and adapted. We acted intelligently as an organization.

But with success, we forgot where it came from. We want it to last forever, which makes us freeze. We move from innovation to static maintenance mode. This is evident in the global wish list for organizations. We want the willingness and ability to…

  • Transformation (agile, digital, AI, …) & Technological Changes
  • Scaling/Global Growth/Cultural Integration & Inclusion
  • Innovation, Creativity
  • Compliance & Sustainability
  • Talent Acquisition & Retention & Emotional Health
  • Responsibility & Accountability
  • Active Engagement, Learning, Collaboration, and Productivity
  • Team and Cross-Team Cohesion

All this needs one important ingredient that we forgot. Humanity and the Deep Soft Skills.

And when we talk about Deep Soft Skills, we mean the Limbic System (Limbi in short here). The basic mammal brain, which we currently repress and ignore, which creates all these problems.

We navigate between three elements: The always changing world. The changes (innovation & creativity) we need to build business, and the success of the business, as a result from innovation & creativity.

Do we experience success over a longer period of time, we forget what it was made from, and move deeper into the machine thinking—we want to keep the success, no matter what. That makes us stuck in the past. The world won’t stop and wait for us.

Simplification of our brain. Society focuses solely on the Neocortex or PFC (Prefrontal-cortex), but denies and represses the core. Which creates nonalignment, friction, shear forces. Inside us and inside all social systems.

“What is thought is not always said; what is said is not always heard; what is heard is not always understood; what is understood is not always agreed; what is agreed is not always done; what is done is not always done again.”

Most likely falsely attributed to Konrad Lorenz – Austrian zoologist and ethologist, Nobel Prize in Medicine 1973 (1903-1989)

Passion for People builds Systems for Success

All the elements needed for success and happiness are already in place, inherent in the complexity of natural systems. We should embrace the benefits of human ingenuity, complexity, and adaptability. Utilizing these as tools eliminates the need for fear.

So we take what we have and add humanity again.

When we recognize that our current success is the result of who we were and what we have done, our perspective changes. We don’t go back in time because the world moves on—with or without us. But we reflect on what created success.

It’s a system not in a frozen state, but an intelligent, adaptive, learning, and agile organization.

We created a system that brought success, but then fear put a leash on it. Yes, we initiated it, but like children, systems mature and take on lives of their own. Preventing them from growing and becoming independent is neither healthy nor enjoyable for the system or its creators.

It’s time to trust the system again.

Your people don’t want to be pushed. Neither do you like the pushing (control and management). They need direction and the ability to start their engines and drive.

A Refactoring of Perspective

OrgIQ offers a transformative approach to changing how we view organizations, whether they are companies, families, or sports clubs.

Occasionally, we all need a reminder of why we engage in our activities. Generally, every seven years is an optimal time to refocus and refactor, ensuring our objectives align with our actions.

OrgIQ is the Idea of Multiple Truths.

In every complex system there are multiple true perspectives, such as the three circles above, look three times very different. But all are true. We need to integrate these perspectives. The more, the better. It’s about integration, not about being right.

As a simple—and useful—model, we have to main perspectives. The visible and defined organization (let’s call it Clockwork, because it’s complicated, but understandable), and the living and invisible organization (let’s call in Neuronal Network, because it’s complex and never complete visible and fix, but constantly adapting and learning).

Both have their purpose. The Clockwork gives direction and a simple picture of the world. It keeps us together and moving. The Network get’s the work done and organizes how everything is done.

Our job is that these two work togethercollaborate–and benefit form each other. In current practice they often hinder each other. Which leads to resentments, mutual rejection, and alienation.

OrgIQ will stop this.

“Org IG is the best thing we ever tried. We never could imagine the level of trust, collaboration, and productivity we have now achieved.”


Lean Coach and Manager

All our material is free (CC 4.0)

We believe that everyone should have free access to OrgIQ, much like recipes. However, just like in cooking, if you need support, a cooking course, or food delivery, we are here to assist you. Often, simply having the recipe isn’t enough if you lack the time, skills, or experience. If that’s the case, please reach out to us. We’d love to help.