Leadership Training

OrgIQ Presents: The Ultimate Leadership Training Experience – “Meeting Your Why”

The Core Of Leadership

Are you ready to transition from management to true leadership? Discover a unique opportunity with OrgIQ’s 3-Week Limbi + Deep Soft Skills (DSS) experience.

“The 3-weeks Limbi + Deep Soft Skills experience.

3 weeks to find your core. Your values and your direction.”

Choosing leadership is the bravest decision one can make. It requires trust in the system and in one’s own principles. You must be at peace with yourself. Leadership is inherently linked with the fear of rejection because it always offers people the choice to follow. If people don’t follow, it’s a sign that you need to work on yourself and your principles. Often, you are simply not clear enough.

Why Join?

In just three weeks, you will find your core, your values, and your direction. This isn’t just traditional training; it’s an exploration to uncover your personal essence of leadership. True leaders inspire followers. To do so, you must know where you stand and where you are headed.

Management often means being told where to go. And telling others. Management has the fallback of power and authority. So you can never know, if people truly follow.

Leadership, on the other hand, is about being unique and authentic, guiding others with conviction and clarity. Building a functional system and trusting it. Leadership is about creation and letting go. Leadership is the highest form of social intelligence.

Why 3 weeks?

Because it’s about leadership and this is in the Limbi (limbic system of the brain). So a purely cognitive approach won’t work. Otherwise we just train the Neocortex to emulate Limbi, which is done often, and has little effect and high costs.

We know that 3 weeks are a long time. How can we allow a upcoming or performing leader to be away for such a long time?

Because it’s worth it. And leadership, as a DSS (Deep Soft Skills) training, lives even more from repetitive experience in a stimulating context. We need to go through the DSS not in a fake context, but in a real life setting.

And this is hard to find. That is the reason why it took so long and was so hard to find a working setting.

So we have to go under the surface level and experience what the Deep Soft Skills really mean. Discover and train them.

We suggest follow up support after the training. Especially if people come from management and want to make the transition. The 3 weeks will change a lot, but it will also be hard to stay in the new way of thinking and acting.

3 Weeks Is The First Step

Step 1: 3 Weeks Training in Kenya

Training as described here for 20.500€ (netto)

Step 2: One Year Transfer Support

Training is intense and necessary to do the first step. But once your Limbi is active, how to apply in your context and organization? Therefore, we offer implementation support for 20 transfer issues/questions/topics for 12.000€ (netto)

Step 3: 6 Month Priority Service

This is the best-friend-mode. Basically, 24/7 for 180 days to max. 3h per day. Direct WhatsApp access. 120.000€ (netto)

What to Expect?

  • Exclusive Experience: Only 24 spots available each year – secure your place soon!
  • Immersive Learning: Live with Rangers inside a conservancy in the Maasai Mara, Kenya. Engage with people and nature daily.
  • Deep Dive: Detox from distractions and dive into the theory and practice of true leadership. Build on a strong Limbi (Limbic-System) and developed Deep Soft Skills. Understand healthy systems and safety, even in a unsafe environment. Bring this back to your people. Leadership is about strength, not avoidance. Leadership is building functional systems.
  • Inspiration and Adaptation: Gain insights into leading with empathy, connection, and humble learning.
  • See the Curriculum OrgIQ_DeepDive_Leadership_Release_EN or OrgIQ_DeepDive_Leadership_Release_DE (it’s free like everything here)

All pictures taken during the 2024 program.

Planning for 2025 is up

Program Highlights

  • Week 1: Rediscover Nature and Core Values
    • Detox from daily life distractions. (We spend the first week fully inside the Conservancy.) Sounds like holiday? It is. For your Limbi! From distraction, numbing, repressing. We strip away everything not necessary, and bring back your Limbi back to life.
    • Engage with Rangers and experience the essence of leadership.
    • Find your core and purpose. Become clear about your intentions and drivers.
  • Week 2: Building Relationships Without Words
    • Learn to build and lead relationships silently. “Leadership is what remains when power and authority are stripped away.”
    • Practice Deep Soft Skills in real-life scenarios.
    • Going practical through the 8-layer-model of self.
    • Understanding functional and dysfunctional systems.
  • Week 3: Adaptability and Creativity
    • Deepen understanding and working with the fundamental psychological needs.
    • Develop skills to handle unforeseen challenges.
    • Learn to transform dysfunctional systems in functional ones.
    • Reflect on experiences and receive feedback from peers and Rangers.

Why It Matters

Leaders on all levels must be unique and authentic. This program helps you find out if you are a true leader and guides you to find your direction. It’s about moving from a state of management to genuine leadership, where people follow you because you know where you’re going.

“The core of leadership is that I treat humans like humans. In other words, grown ups.”

Why It’s Valuable

Investing three weeks in our leadership training program is a significant commitment, and the cost is not negligible, but the value it brings is immeasurable.

No Management Training

This program is designed for leaders. We explicitly transform from management thinking. We don’t say it’s bad, but it’s not our focus. Management and leadership are two different systems, and two different world views. We focus on leadership, because the topic of management is well covered.

It is particularly valuable for those transitioning from an expert role to a leadership position. The risk of this transition for an organization is high – you will lose the value of an expert while incurring the cost of a manager who may never become a true leader. This could result in a double loss.

Cost-Effective Investment

Compared to the potential costs of a failed leadership transition, investing in this three-week program is cost-effective. The training equips your people with the skills and mindset needed to become effective leaders, ensuring they bring tremendous value to your organization.

Honest Evaluation

We commit to providing an honest assessment of each candidate’s suitability for leadership. Our goal is to ensure that those who undergo the training are genuinely prepared to lead, creating lasting value for your organization.

Program Outline

  1. Arrival in Nairobi
    • Welcome at the airport & transfers to hotel.
    • Overnight stays in hotel.
    • Trip to Zimmerman in Nairobi.
  2. Transfer to Maasai Mara Conservancy (MSC)
    • Transfer to Maasai Mara.
    • Accommodations provided.
    • Each participant receives a customized uniform (need your size for shows and clothing before).
  3. Daily Routine
    • Morning tea (“chai”) at 6:45 AM followed by patrols, sessions, and activities.
    • Lunch and Dinner with the Rangers.
    • Learning sessions and coaching throughout the day.
    • Evening discussions and reflections.
  4. Key Activities
    • Daily patrols and game drives.
    • Visits to local schools and communities.
    • Individual and group reflections on leadership principles.
  • Not included
    • Flight to and from Nairobi
    • ETA
    • Vaccines
    • Clothing and equipment in Nairobi

Application Details

Apply now to get more information about the program, constraints, and how you can be part of this transformative journey.

Note: Vegan diet and smoking is not possible inside the Conservancy.

Join Us

Embrace the challenge, find your core, and lead with authenticity. Apply now and join us on this unparalleled journey to redefine leadership.

Apply Now

This program is designed to be better than any traditional assessment center, offering real-life insights and practical leadership training. Experience a journey where you will be thrown back to the basics of human connection, humility, and genuine leadership.