Passion for People leads to Systems build for Success.
Everything OrgIQ offers, is based on sound neuronal, social and psychological theory and proven in practice. We tried and experienced it ourselves.
That’s why we need to share it.
And it’s the result of a personal story. We all have been everywhere. Done all the mistakes and experienced all the magic.
OrgIQ is a vulnerable thing. It’s not only “business” but sharing life.

It’s a revitalized tool box to redefine cultural landscape.
It’s also the experience gained in over 100+ person years. It’s experience of a “we”. And should name a long list of people, which taught me from early on: Rini, Teade, Maud, Isabell, Christiane, Peter, Frank, Christopher, Martin, Ralf, Anja, Katharina, Alex, Klaudia, Christina, Volker, Diemo, Tobias, Torsten, … and so many more.
My – it’s Dan – story is about the believe in truth. Be true in what you do. In life, but also in an organization. The first project I had to do, was a several million € change project for software development processes. Gaining a high capability level.
And while it was (is) common practice to “fake” the capability, which is a quite simple approach, it wouldn’t be true. And it would be waste.
My truth was that the people who are doing the work should be the people who are responsible for the process and quality too.
If they believe in what they do, they will stick to it. They will gain the capability and will keep it, with or without me.
The story of my life is a constant “down-stepping”. Starting as some kind of manager, building a stable interdependent system, and releasing it to prosper.
With meticulous attention to detail and a commitment to excellence, we build with you a work space that inspire, elevate, and enrich the lives of those who work their.
Why Choose Us?
No matter whoever you choose to help you on your way to increase your organizational intelligence, it’s a good way. Everyone who supports this purpose is our ally.
And the rest must match your needs and personality. Your culture.
What is unique about us is that we focus on alignment on all (human) levels. When we talk about people working together and also change, we have several layers. What we see, but also what is hidden.
And even if it is sometimes scary at the beginning, we like to go into the deep layers. And work there. Because when we start change from the bottom up, we avoid inner turmoil.
It’s about increasing our productivity organically and not constantly working against internal and external resistance.

Guiding your business through the project
Experience the fusion of imagination and expertise with OrgIQ – the catalyst for organizational transformations that enrich the world around us.
Meet our team
We are a network of experts (and humans) that dream and work for work environments where people thrive and productivity flows.
Dan is our full time contact and representative. And depending on the specific needs he finds the right people.
Tapping into the natural and organic complexity of organizations, leads to an abundance of energy, which really sounds quite esoterically. But it’s proven science. It’s the magic of social interaction. The magic of trust.

Dan (Danilo Assmann)
“Mr. Limbi” & Editor

many more
(A Network with different competencies, from management and executive training, lean management, management 3.0, over story telling, to human design.)
We’ve worked with some lovely companies.
But why bother you with the names. It’s always something personal. We never change an organization, we touch hearts and minds in people.
Hopefully yours too, one day.
OrgIQ is at your side
- Apply the concepts of OrgIQ yourself
- Get our experience or services
- Collaborate with fellow minds
- Experience a world of embraced complexity.